From high school to now I’ve always loved hair, beauty and make up! I remember going to my mom prior to high school graduation and pressing her reference my desire to go to hair school, like a friend of mine. She was like absolutely not, you’re going to college, pick one.
In hindsight I’m so grateful to God for my mom telling me to get a college education, that began my formal education in business. After college, I moved to the DC/MD/VA area and this was where I would learn my “real business skills” and my love for hair and beauty began.
I was a Licensed Cosmetologist for close to 20 years in VA & NC. I’ve owned salons, run successful spas and launched my skincare and cosmetics line, Glam It! Cosmetics back in 2009 and the Lord led me to rebrand into what was a culmination of years of incredible experiences in the beauty industry, a luxury line of color cosmetics and incredible skincare products, perfect for you...LUX SKN + BTY by Garlinda.
Fast forward today, I am blessed to be a wife, a mom to two fabulous children, I’m a puppy mom, successful entrepreneur by God’s grace, a sister, a daughter and a friend!! Now that I am older, wiser and more mature, my definition of beauty has changed and I am sure yours has too!!
When I turned 50, I literally felt like my life began again, like I was given a second chance to have a new beginning, a new lease on life! My life was refreshed, renewed, rejuvenated, regenerated and this incredible and vivacious woman was reborn!!
We have created this line for the mature woman and for women who are ready to embrace exactly who they are, that includes every fine line and every wrinkle because who we are is BEAUTIFUL!!